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うどんこ病 / うどんこびょう : n 1)powdery mildew
うどん粉 / うどんこ : n 1)udon flour (wheat flour)
饂飩粉 / うどんこ : n 1)udon flour (wheat flour)
優曇華 / うどんげ : n 1 1)udumbara (mythical Indian plant often identified with the cluster fig, Ficus glo... 2 2)something very rare (from the legend that it flowers once in 3000 years) 3 3)Japanese fiber banana flower 4 4)green lacewing eggs
うどん粉 / うどんこ : n 1)udon flour (wheat flour)
饂飩鋤 / うどんすき : n uk 1)seafood and vegetables cooked sukiyaki style and served with udon
饂飩屋 / うどんや : n 1)noodle shop
饂飩 / うどん / うんどん / ワンタン : n uk 1)udon (thick Japanese wheat noodles) P ok n uk 2)udon (thick Japanese wheat noodles) n uk 3)(food) wonton (Chinese dumpling) (chi: wantan) 4)won ton 5)wantan 6)wanton 7)wuntun

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