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中腎 / ちゅうじん : 1)mesonephros 2)mesonephric
中継 / ちゅうけい / なかつぎ : n vs adj-no 1 1)relay 2)hook-up n vs 2 abbr 3)relay broadcasting P n vs 1 4)joining 5)joint 6)intermediation 7)relaying 8)intermediary 9)relay 10)agency 11)brokerage 2 12)relief (pitcher, etc.)
中臈 / ちゅうろう : n 1 1)court ladies of the middle rank serving in the inner palace (Heian period) 2 2)female servant for a samurai family 3 3)lady-in-waiting working in the inner palace of the Edo castle (Edo period)
中級 / ちゅうきゅう : n adj-no 1)intermediate level P
中途 / ちゅうと : n adj-no 1)in the middle 2)half-way P
中退 / ちゅうたい : n vs 1)leaving school during a term P
中細 / ちゅうぼそ / なかぼそ : adj-no 1)medium-fine (thickness of string, noodles, pencil lead, etc.) 2)medium pointed (e.g. pen) n 1 obsc 3)being narrow in the middle 4)something narrow in the middle 2 arch 5)mallet
中絶 / ちゅうぜつ : n adj-no 1 1)abortion vs 2 2)to have an abortion 3 3)interruption 4)discontinuance 5)suspension 6)abeyance P

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