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合胞体 / ごうほうたい : 1)syncytium 2)syncytia 3)syncytial
合議体 / ごうぎたい : n 1)collegiate body 2)collegial body 3)judicial panel
合鴨 / あいがも : n 1)cross between a mallard and domestic duck
合焦 / がっしょう / ごうしょう : n vs 1)being in focus (in photography) 2)bringing into focus
合点 / がってん / がてん : n vs 1)consent 2)assent 3)understanding 4)agreement 5)comprehension 6)grasp P
合火 / あいび : n 1)cooking over the fire of an unclean home or a home in mourning 2)food prepared over the fire of an unclean home or a home in mourning
合流渠 / ごうりゅうきょ : n 1)combined sewer
合流 / ごうりゅう : n vs adj-no 1 1)confluence (of rivers) 2)merge (of traffic) 3)conflux 4)junction 5)joining 2 6)union (e.g. of forces) 7)linking up 8)merging 9)coming together

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