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擬音 / ぎおん : n adj-no 1)imitative sounds (drama, broadcasting)
擬蠍 / かにむし : n uk 1)pseudoscorpion (any arachnid of order Pseudoscorpionida) 2)false scorpion
擬斗 / ぎとう : n 1)fight scene 2)stage combat 3)staged sword fight
擬娩 / ぎべん : n obsc 1)couvade (custom in which a male acts out the physical process of his own child b...
擬死 / ぎし : n 1)feigning death
擬毛 / ぎもう : n 1)imitation wool
擬古 / ぎこ : n vs 1)imitation of classical styles
擬勢 / ぎせい : n vs 1)bluff 2)deceiving an enemy

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