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未納 / みのう : n 1)payment default 2)overdue on a payment P
未草 / ひつじぐさ : n uk 1)pygmy waterlily (Nymphaea tetragona)
未晒 / みさらし / みざらし : io n adj-no 1)unbleached 2)undyed io ok n adj-no 3)unbleached
未然 / みぜん : n 1)before it happens 2)previously P
未着 / みちゃく : adj-no n 1)not yet arrived
未来 / みらい : n adj-no 1 1)the future (usually distant) 2 2)future tense 3 3)the world to come P
未進 / みしん : n 1)nonpayment of tribute
未遂 / みすい : n n-suf adj-no 1)attempt (e.g. at crime) P

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