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祭り上げる / まつりあげる : v1 vt 1)to set up (in high position) 2)to kick upstairs
祭上げる / まつりあげる : v1 vt 1)to set up (in high position) 2)to kick upstairs
祭り寿司 / まつりずし : n 1)popular type of sushi bento, differing by regions 2)brand of sushi bento
祭る / まつる : v5r vt 1 1)to deify 2)to enshrine 2 3)to pray 4)to worship P
祭り鮓 / まつりずし : n 1)popular type of sushi bento, differing by regions 2)brand of sushi bento
祭り込む / まつりこむ : v5m vt 1)to place an obnoxious person in an out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or her
祭り / まつり : n 1)festival 2)feast P
祭文 / さいぶん / さいもん : n 1)address to the gods 2)type of song which spread from mountain hermits to the laity during the Kamakura...

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