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経緯儀 / けいいぎ : n 1)theodolite
経緯 / いきさつ / けいい / たてぬき / たてよこ : n 1)details 2)particulars 3)whole story 4)sequence of events 5)chronology 6)circumstances 7)how it started 8)how things got this way P n 1 9)details 2 10)longitude and latitude 3 11)warp and weft 12)warp and woof n 13)warp and weft ok n 14)warp and weft
経絡 / けいらく : n 1 1)meridian (e.g. in acupuncture) 2)channel 3)one of the lines connecting vital points in the body 2 4)thread of connection 5)chain of reasoning
経皮性 / けいひせい : 1)transdermal
経皮 / けいひ : 1)percutaneous 2)transdermal 3)dermal
経略 / けいりゃく : n vs 1)administration 2)rule
経静脈 / けいじょうみゃく : 1)transvenous (a-no)
経畝織 / たてうねおり : n 1)warp rib weave (cloth)

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