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逐次延長 / ちくじえんちょう : 1)stepwise elongation
逐次実行 / ちくじじっこう : n 1)(comp) sequential execution
逐次通訳 / ちくじつうやく : n 1)consecutive interpretation 2)consecutive interpreting
逐次反応 / ちくじはんのう : 1)consecutive reaction 2)successive reaction 3)step reaction (vs)
逐次 / ちくじ : adv adj-no 1)successively 2)one after another 3)sequentially P
途次 / とじ : n-adv n-t 1)on one's way
逓次 / ていじ : n 1)successively 2)in order
逐う / おう : v5u vt 1 1)to chase 2)to run after 3)to pursue 2 4)to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend) 3 5)to drive out 6)to oust 7)to expel 4 8)to drive (i.e. a herd) 5 9)(in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.)

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