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鎌形赤血球 / かまがたせっけっきゅう : 1)sickle cell 2)drepanocyte
鎌状赤血球症 / かまじょうせっけっきゅうしょう : n 1)sickle cell disease 2)sickle cell anemia (anaemia)
鎌状赤血球病 / かまじょうせっけっきゅう : n 1)sickle cell anemia (anaemia) 2)sickle cell disease
鎌状赤血球貧血 / かまじょうせっけっきゅうひんけつ : n 1)sickle cell anemia (anaemia) 2)sickle cell disease
鎌形 / かまがた : n adj-no 1)sickle-shaped 2)falciform
鎌形赤血球貧血症 / かまがたせっけっきゅうひんけつしょう : n 1)sickle cell anemia (anaemia) 2)sickle cell disease
鎌倉五山 / かまくらござん : n 1)the five great Rinzai temples of Kamakura (Kencho-ji, Engaku-ji, Jufuku-ji, Joch...
鎌を掛ける / かまをかける : exp v1 1)to trick someone (into confirming or revealing the truth) 2)to ask a leading question

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