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それ自体 / それじたい : n 1)in itself 2)the thing itself 3)this itself 4)for its own sake 5)per se
それ自身 / それじしん : 1)(pn) itself 2)himself 3)herself
それ : int 1)there! (used to call someone's attention to something)
其れ / それ : n 1 uk 1)that (indicating an item or person near the listener, the action of the listener... 2)it 2 3)that time 4)then 3 arch 5)there (indicating a place near the listener) 4 arch 6)you P
それより : conj 1)apart from that 2)other than that 3)leaving that aside 4)more ... than that 5)but 6)however P
それ故 / それゆえ : conj 1)therefore 2)for that reason 3)so
其れ故 / それゆえ : conj 1)therefore 2)for that reason 3)so
逸れ矢 / それや : n 1)stray arrow

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