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様になる / さまになる / ようになる : exp v5r 1)to become good-looking 2)to start looking appropriate (for something) v5r exp uk 3)to reach the point that 4)to come to be that 5)to turn into
ようにする : exp 1)(following a verb) to be sure to 2)to do (something) so that ... 3)to make sure to 4)to try to P
陽に / ように : adv 1)visibly 2)openly 3)publicly
様に / ように : exp 1 uk 1)in order to (e.g. meet goal) 2)so that 3)take care (so as) 2 uk 4)hoping or wishing for something
用立てる / ようだてる : v1 vt 1)to make use of 2)to lend money
ように言う / ようにいう : exp v5u 1)to tell (somebody) to (do something)
傭人 / ようにん : n 1)employee
容認 / ようにん : n vs 1)approval P
陽忍 / ようにん : n 1)ninja working in the open 2)non-undercover ninja
用人 / ようにん : n 1 1)manager 2)steward 3)factotum 4)person next in rank to the chief retainers and in charge of general management a... 2 5)useful person

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