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一気飲み / いっきのみ : n vs 1)chugging an entire drink without stopping to take a breath
一気 / いっき : n abbr 1)chug! 2)drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer) P
一気に / いっきに : adv 1 1)in one go 2)in one gulp 3)in one breath 4)without stopping 5)without pausing 6)without resting 7)in one sitting 8)at a stretch 9)all at once 2 10)immediately 11)instantly 12)right away 13)straight away 14)straightaway P
一気通貫 / いっきつうかん : n 1)pure straight (mahjong) 2)winning hand containing nine consecutive tiles of the same suit (i.e. 1-9) as th...
一気呵成 / いっきかせい : adv n 1)finishing writing, work, etc. at a stroke (stretch) 2)knocking something off without a break
一気に飲む / いっきにのむ : exp v5m 1)to drink in one gulp
一率に / いちりつに : adv 1)in the same way
一炊の夢 / いっすいのゆめ : n 1)an empty dream

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