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付ける / つける : v1 vt 1 1)to attach 2)to join 3)to add 4)to append 5)to affix 6)to stick 7)to glue 8)to fasten 9)to sew on 10)to apply (ointment) 2 11)to furnish (a house with) 3 12)to wear 13)to put on 4 14)to keep a diary 15)to make an entry 5 16)to appraise 17)to set (a price) 6 18)to bring alongside 19)(7) to place (under guard or doctor) 20)(8) to follow 21)to shadow 22)(9) to load 23)to give (courage to) 24)(10) to keep (an eye on) 25)(11) to establish (relations or understanding) 26)(12) to turn on (light) P
付け入る / つけいる : v5r 1)to take advantage of 2)to impose on
付け麺 / つけめん : n 1)cold Chinese noodles accompanied by soup for dipping
付け髷 / つけまげ : n 1)false coiffure
付け髭 / つけひげ : n 1)false moustache
付け髪 / つけがみ : n 1)false hair 2)hairpiece 3)hair filler
付け馬 / つけうま : n 1)bill collector for the night's entertainment 2)followers
付け方 / つけかた : n 1 1)way of affixing something 2 2)way of recording something (to a logbook, etc.)

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