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出入国 / しゅつにゅうこく : n 1)emigration and immigration
出国 / しゅっこく / しゅつごく : n vs 1)departure from a country P ik n vs 2)departure from a country
出品国 / しゅっぴんこく : n 1)exhibiting country
出入 / しゅつにゅう : n vs 1)in and out 2)income and expenses 3)free associations 4)run of the house P
出入り / でいり / ではいり : n vs 1)in and out 2)coming and going 3)free association 4)income and expenditure 5)debits and credit P
出入口 / でいりぐち : n 1)exit and entrance P
出兵 / しゅっぺい : n vs 1)dispatch of troops 2)despatch of troops 3)expedition
出勤 / しゅっきん : n vs 1)attendance (at work) 2)being at work 3)presence (in the office) 4)going to work 5)reporting for work P

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