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出国 / しゅっこく / しゅつごく : n vs 1)departure from a country P ik n vs 2)departure from a country
出来 / しゅったい / でき : n vs 1)occurrence 2)happening 3)taking place P n 1 4)workmanship 5)craftsmanship 6)execution 7)finish 2 8)grades 9)results 10)score 11)record 3 12)quality (e.g. of a crop) 4 13)dealings 14)transactions
出御 / しゅつぎょ : n vs hon 1)emperor's arrival (at his office, etc.)
出口 / でぐち : n 1)exit 2)gateway 3)way out 4)outlet 5)leak 6)vent P
出居 / いでい / でい : n 1 arch 1)sitting outdoors 2 2)room that served both as a reception room and as a living room in a Heian-period... 3 3)temporary sitting place installed in the garden at the imperial court, used on t...
出向 / しゅっこう : n vs 1)being transferred 2)secondment 3)proceeding 4)leaving for P
出品 / しゅっぴん : n vs 1)exhibit 2)display P
出品国 / しゅっぴんこく : n 1)exhibiting country

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