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印刷 / いんさつ : n vs 1)printing P
印刷屋 / いんさつや : n 1)printer
印契 / いんけい / いんげい : n 1)mudra (symbolic hand gesture used in Buddhism)
印地 / いんじ : n abbr 1)big rock fight for children on the fifth day of the fifth month (adults also par...
印哲 / いんてつ : n 1)Indian philosophy
印可 / いんか : n vs 1 1)(Buddh) dharma transmission (formal confirmation of a student's awakening by his... 2 2)certificate of proficiency (in flower arrangement, etc.)
印匣 / いんこう / いんばこ : n 1)seal (stamp) box
印加 / いんか : n vs 1)impression 2)superimposition 3)application

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