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大学 / だいがく : n 1 1)post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc. 2 abbr 2)former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for th... 3 3)the Great Learning - one of the Four Books P
大巧 / たいこう : n 1)great talent
大将 / たいしょう / だいしょう : n adj-no 1 1)general 2)admiral n 2 3)boss 4)leader 5)local kingpin 3 fam 6)old chap 7)mate 8)boss 9)chief 10)man 4 11)athlete who competes in the last match of a team competition (kendo, judo, etc.) P
大壁 / おおかべ : n 1)wall bearing no exposed pillars
大声 / おおごえ : n adj-no 1)large voice P
大学芋 / だいがくいも : n 1)candied sweet potato
大寒 / だいかん : n 1 1)(time of) extreme cold 2 2)"major cold" solar term (approx. Jan 20, roughly the coldest time of the year)
大寄 / おおよせ : n 1 1)calling many harlots and entertainers and have a big party 2 2)starting an important maneuver at the end of a game of go

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