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居合 / いあい : n 1)iai 2)art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword ...
居士 / こじ : n 1 1)(Buddh) grhapati (layman; sometimes used as a posthumous suffix) 2 2)private-sector scholar
居処 / いど / きょしょ : n 1 arch 1)one's seat 2 arch 2)buttocks n 1 3)whereabouts 4)address 2 5)place of temporary residence
居然 / きょぜん : adj-t 1)calm or at rest 2)having nothing to do 3)still
居候 / いそうろう : n vs 1)lodger who pays nothing for room and board 2)freeloader 3)sponger P
居合刀 / いあいがたな : n MA 1)practice sword used in iaido
居間 / いま : n 1)living room (western style) P
居合抜 / いあいぬき : io n 1 1)iai 2)art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword ... 2 3)iai sword-drawing performance (used during the Edo period to sell medicine and o...

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