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懸念 / けねん : n vs 1)worry 2)fear 3)anxiety 4)concern P
懸軍 / けんぐん : n 1)expeditionary army
懸賞 / けんしょう : n 1)offering prizes 2)winning 3)reward P
懸け / かけ / がけ : n 1 abbr 1)credit 2 2)money owed on an account 3)bill 3 abbr uk 4)hot noodles in broth n n-suf 4 5)proportion (of wholesale price, as tenths of list price) suf 5 6)in the midst of 6 7)rest 8)rack 9)hanger suf adj-no 1 10)-clad 2 uk 11)in the midst of 3 12)tenths (e.g., wholesale price, as tenths of retail price) 4 13)times (i.e. multiplied by) 5 14)able-to-seat (of a chair, etc.)
懸詞 / かけことば : n 1)pun 2)play on words
懸絶 / けんぜつ : n vs 1)great difference
懸紙 / かけがみ : n 1)wrapping paper
懸獨 / けんだく : iK n 1)(chem) suspension

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