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打ち上げ / うちあげ : n 1 1)launching 2)launch 2 3)end (of a theatrical run, etc.) 3 4)closing party (e.g. a theater show) 5)cast party 6)party to celebrate successful completion of a project P
打ち上げ場 / うちあげじょう : n 1)launching site (esp. rockets, etc.) 2)launch site
打ち上げる / うちあげる / ぶちあげる : v1 vt 1 1)to launch 2)to shoot up 2 3)(of waves) to dash 4)to wash up (ashore) 3 5)to finish (e.g. a theater run, sumo tournament) 6)to close 4 7)to report (to boss, etc.) P v1 vt 8)to make a bold speech 9)to make a bold statement
打ち上げ会 / うちあげかい : n 1)closing party (e.g. a theater show) 2)cast party 3)party to celebrate successful completion of a project
打ち揚げ / うちあげ : n 1 1)launching 2)launch 2 3)end (of a theatrical run, etc.) 3 4)closing party (e.g. a theater show) 5)cast party 6)party to celebrate successful completion of a project
打ち上げ会場 / うちあげかいじょう : n 1)location for closing party
打ち棒 / うちぼう : n 1 1)rolling pin 2 2)slapstick (comedy)
打ち合せ / うちあわせ : n vs 1 1)business meeting 2)previous arrangement 3)appointment 4)preparatory meeting 2 5)overlap (of a coat, etc.) 3 arch 6)making something match exactly P

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