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政府 / せいふ : n 1)government 2)administration P
政府案 / せいふあん : n 1)government bill
政審 / せいしん : n abbr 1)policy deliberation
政客 / せいかく / せいきゃく : n 1)politician (or someone otherwise engaged in politics) 2)statesman
政変 / せいへん : n 1)political disturbance 2)political change 3)coup d'etat 4)coup 5)revolution 6)overthrowing of a government (e.g. Jasmine Revolution) P
政商 / せいしょう : n 1)businessman with political ties
政務 / せいむ : n 1)government affairs P
政労 / せいろう : n abbr 1)government-labour (e.g. liaison meeting) 2)government-labor

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