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整う / ととのう : v5u vi 1)to be prepared 2)to be in order 3)to be put in order 4)to be arranged P
整骨 / せいこつ : n 1)bonesetting
整風 / せいふう : n 1)rectification
整頓 / せいとん : n vs 1)orderliness 2)put in order 3)tidying up 4)arranging neatly P
整除 / せいじょ : n vs 1)exact division
整調 / せいちょう : n vs 1 1)tuning (e.g. instruments) 2 2)stroke oar 3)head oarsman
整腸 / せいちょう : n 1)medicine for internal disorders
整理 / せいり : n vs 1)sorting 2)arrangement 3)organization 4)putting in order 5)adjustment 6)regulation 7)liquidation P

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