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沈々 / しんしん / ちんちん : adj-t 1 1)silent (esp. of the passing of the night) 2 2)piercing (cold) adj-t 3)silent (esp. of the passing of the night)
沈黙 / ちんもく : n vs adj-no 1 1)silence 2)hush 2 3)reticence 4)inaction P
沈鬱 / ちんうつ : adj-na n 1)melancholy 2)gloom 3)depression
沈香 / じんこ / じんこう : n 1)aloes 2)aloeswood 3)agarwood 4)eaglewood
沈静 / ちんせい : adj-na n 1)stillness 2)tranquility 3)tranquillity 4)dullness P
沈降 / ちんこう : 1)sedimentation 2)sediment 3)precipitation 4)precipitate (vs)
沈金 / ちんきん : n 1)gold-inlaid laquerware (using powdered gold in etched grooves)
沈酔 / ちんすい : n vs 1)very drunk

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