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留め / とどめ / とめ : n 1)finishing blow 2)clincher n suf 1 3)(a) stop (e.g. in a timber joint, or at the end of a kanji stroke) 2 4)remaining (e.g. poste-restante) 3 5)forty-five degree angle
留め釘 / とめくぎ : n 1)stop peg 2)toggle 3)tack
留保 / りゅうほ : n vs 1)reserving 2)withholding P
留処 / とめど : n 1)end 2)termination point
留分 / りゅうぶん : n 1)fraction (i.e. in distillation) 2)cut
留別 / りゅうべつ : n 1)farewell to those staying behind
留学 / りゅうがく : n vs 1)studying abroad (usu. at university level) P
留袖 / とめそで : n 1)formal, usually black, kimono with designs along the bottom of the skirt worn by... 2)married woman's ceremonial kimono

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