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立てて / たてて : adv 1)especially 2)particularly 3)wholeheartedly
立て坑 / たてこう : n 1)shaft (e.g. in a mine) 2)pit
立て / たて / だて : pref 1 1)central 2)main 3)head 4)chief suf 2 uk 5)just (done) 6)freshly (baked) 7)indicates activity only just occurred 3 8)(ctr) counter for consecutive losses suf 1 9)particularly 10)especially 2 11)indicates the number of horses or oxen drawing a carriage 12)indicates the number of oars on a boat 3 13)indicates the number of movies, plays, etc. comprising a single program 14)indicates the number of items or methods used
立てる / たてる : v1 vt 1 1)to stand up 2)to put up 3)to set up 4)to erect 5)to raise 2 6)to thrust into 7)to bury into 8)to dig into 3 9)to make (a noise) 10)to start (a rumour) 11)to raise (a cloud of dust, etc.) 12)to cause 4 13)to make 14)to establish 15)to develop 16)to formulate 5 17)to put up (a political candidate) 18)to make (one's leader) 6 19)to treat with respect 20)to give (someone) their due 21)to make (someone) look good 22)to avoid embarrassing (someone) 23)(7) to sharpen 24)to make clear 25)(8) to shut 26)to close 27)(9) to make tea (macha) 28)to perform the tea ceremony 29)(10) to divide by suf v1 30)(11) to do ... vigorously P
立て札 / たてふだ : n 1)notice 2)sign (on a post) 3)bulletin board P
立て膝 / たてひざ : n vs 1)sitting with one knee drawn up
立て前 / たてまえ : n 1 1)face 2)official stance 3)public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) 2 4)tea ceremony procedures 5)tea ceremony etiquette
立て物 / たてもの : n 1)leading actor

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