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糸くず / いとくず : n 1)lint (as in a clothes dryer or a pocket) 2)waste thread 3)fibers, such as might wrap around the gears in small mechanisms and cause them t... 4)fluff
糸づくり / いとづくり : n 1)thin strips of raw fish and squid
糸引鯊 / いとひきはぜ : n uk 1)Myersina filifer (species of goby)
糸引鰯 / いとひきいわし : n uk 1)attenuated spider fish (Bathypterois atricolor)
糸引鰺 / いとひきあじ : n uk 1)African pompano (Alectis ciliaris)
糸掛 / いとかけ : n 1)thread guard (e.g. in a spinning machine)
糸掛け / いとかけ : n 1)thread guard (e.g. in a spinning machine)
糸撚鯛 / いとよりだい : n uk 1)golden threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) 2)besugo

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