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落とし入れる / おとしいれる : v1 vt 1 1)to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.) 2)to hatch a plan and deceive someone 2 3)to assault (a castle, etc.) 3 4)to drop something and have it fall into something
落し入れる / おとしいれる : v1 vt 1 1)to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.) 2)to hatch a plan and deceive someone 2 3)to assault (a castle, etc.) 3 4)to drop something and have it fall into something
落とし主 / おとしぬし : n 1)loser 2)owner of a lost article
落ち零れる / おちこぼれる : v1 vi 1)(sens) to leave something behind 2)to fall behind 3)to fall short 4)to drop out
落ちぶれる / おちぶれる : v1 vi 1)to be ruined (reduced to poverty) 2)to fall low 3)to go under 4)to come to ruin
落とし / おとし : n 1 abbr 1)dropping 2)losing 2 3)missing item 4)something one forgot to write down 3 5)trap 4 6)wooden protrusion from a Japanese door frame that fits a hole in the threshold, ... 5 7)conclusion (of a speech, etc.) 6 8)metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi
落ち入る / おちいる : v5r vi 1 1)to fall into (e.g. a hole) 2 2)to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.) 3 3)to fall into (a trap, etc.) 4 4)to fall 5)to surrender 6)to capitulate
落とし前 / おとしまえ : n 1)money paid to settle a fight

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