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/ / : n n-suf 1 1)department (in an organization) 2)division 3)bureau 2 4)club 3 5)part 6)component 7)element 4 8)category 5 9)(ctr) counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine P n 10)hereditary occupational group (Yamato period)
/ おおざと / おおざる : n uk 1)kanji "large village" radical at right (radical 163)
部財 / ぶざい : iK n 1)component 2)part 3)member 4)fitting
部誌 / ぶし : n 1)club journal 2)club notebook
部落 / ぶらく : n 1 1)(sens) hamlet 2)subunit of village 2 3)burakumin area P
部署 / ぶしょ : n vs 1)one's post 2)one's station 3)department 4)bureau 5)section P
部活 / ぶかつ : n 1)club activities
部民 / ぶみん / べみん : n 1)people belonging to a hereditary occupation group (Yamato period)

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