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金庫 / かねぐら / きんこ : iK n 1 1)treasure house 2)treasury 2 3)financial supporter 4)patron 5)financier 6)backer n 1 7)safe 8)strongbox 9)cashbox 10)vault 11)strongroom 2 12)depository 13)cash office 14)provider of funds P
金片 / かねびら : n 1)money 2)cash
金山 / かなやま / きんざん : n 1)(gold) mine
金漆 / きんしつ / こしあぶら / ごんぜつ : n 1)lacquer made from the sap of Acanthopanax sciadophylloides n uk 2)Acanthopanax sciadophylloides (species of flowering plant related to the aralias...
金烏 / きんう : n arch 1)sun
金曜 / きんよう : n-adv n-t 1)Friday P
金槌 / かなづち : n 1 1)(iron) hammer 2 2)hopeless swimmer 3)complete beginner at swimming P
金工 / きんこう : n 1)metalwork 2)metalsmith 3)goldsmith

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