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金額 / きんがく : n 1)amount of money P
金鍔 / きんつば : n 1 abbr 1)confection of sweetened beans wrapped in wheat-flour dough (in the shape of a sw... 2 arch 2)metal sword guard 3)polearm
金頭 / かながじら : n uk 1)red-whiskered bulbul (Lepidotrigla microptera)
金轡 / かなぐつわ : n 1)a (metal) bit
金運 / きんうん : n 1)economic fortune 2)luck with money
金釘 / かなくぎ : n 1)iron nail
金釦 / きんボタン : n 1 1)brass button 2)golden button 2 3)male student (who would be wearing such a button)
金鉄 / きんてつ : n 1)gold and iron 2)firmness 3)adamancy

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