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閉店 / へいてん : n vs 1 1)closing up shop (for the day) 2 2)stopping business 3)going out of business P
閉山 / へいざん : n vs 1 1)end the climbing season 2)closure of a mountain to climbers 2 3)closing a mine 4)discontinuation of mining
閉会 / へいかい : n vs 1)closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.) P
閉炉 / へいろ : n vs 1)closing of the fireplace in a Zen temple (first day of the 2nd month)
閉体 / へいたい : n 1)(math) closed field
閉殻 / へいかく : 1)closed shell
閉止 / へいし : n vs 1)stoppage
閉創 / へいそう : n 1)closing a surgical incision (by suture, etc.)

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