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雑味 / ざつみ : n 1)off-flavor 2)bitterness or other unpleasant taste that detracts from the flavour of a drink
雑魚 / いざご / ざこ / ざごう / ざっこ / ざっこう / じゃこ : n 1 1)small fish 2)small fry 2 3)person of low social standing ok n 1 4)small fish
雑益 / ざつえき : n 1)miscellaneous income 2)miscellaneous profit
雑砕 / ちゃぷすい : n uk 1)(food) chop suey
雑税 / ざつぜい : n 1)miscellaneous taxes
雑居 / ざっきょ : n vs 1 1)living together 2)mixed residence 3)sharing living quarters 2 4)(adj-f) multi-tenant 5)community P
雑学 / ざつがく : n 1)miscellaneous knowledge
雑婚 / ざっこん : n 1 1)promiscuity 2)promiscuous sexual relations 3)communal marriage 4)group marriage 2 5)mixed marriage 6)interracial marriage 7)miscegenation

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