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顔認証 / かおにんしょう : n vs 1)authentication by facial recognition
顔認識 / かおにんしき : n vs 1)facial recognition (the act of)
顔見せ / かおみせ : n vs 1 1)making one's debut 2)making one's first appearance 2 3)introductory kabuki performance (to introduce the actors) 3 4)December kabuki performance at Kyoto's Minamiza Theater in which all famous acto...
顔汚し / かおよごし : n 1)a disgrace or dishonor (dishonour)
顔料 / がんりょう : n 1)pigment 2)colorant
顔文字 / かおもじ : n 1)smiley (face made up of characters) 2)emoticon
顔役 / かおやく : n 1)influential man 2)boss
顔形 / かおかたち : n 1)features 2)looks

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