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首を絞める / くびをしめる : exp v1 1)to wring the neck 2)to strangle
首を縮める / くびをちぢめる : exp v1 1)to duck one's head
首を捻る / くびをひねる : exp v5r 1)to cock one's head in puzzlement 2)to tilt one's head in contemplation 3)to wrack one's brain 4)to think hard
首をくくる / くびをくくる : exp v5r 1)to hang oneself 2)to strangle oneself
首をひねる / くびをひねる : exp v5r 1)to cock one's head in puzzlement 2)to tilt one's head in contemplation 3)to wrack one's brain 4)to think hard
首をやる / くびをやる : exp v5r 1)to be hanged 2)to be struck dead 3)to eat one's hat
首を傾ける / くびをかたむける : exp v1 1)to incline one's head
首を傾げる / くびをかしげる : exp v1 1)to incline one's head to the side (in doubt) 2)to tilt one's head to the side (in confusion) 3)to be puzzled

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