>>POP辞書.com PC版
書き方 / かきかた : n 1 1)way of writing 2)manner of writing 2 3)penmanship (esp. used in old textbooks) 4)calligraphy 3 5)format (e.g. of a report) 4 6)stroke order of a character P
書き順 / かきじゅん : n 1)stroke order
書き手 / かきて : n 1)writer 2)calligrapher
書き役 / かきやく : n 1)clerk 2)secretary 3)scribe 4)copyist
書き味 / かきあじ : n 1)the feel or performance of a pen
書き割 / かきわり : n 1)portable painting used as part of the backdrop (in kabuki, etc.)
書き判 / かきはん : n 1)signature or written seal at the end of a document
書き候 / かきそうろう : exp 1)(have the honor, honour) to write

