>>POP辞書.com PC版
/ うち / じゅう / ちゅう / ぢゅう / なか / チュン : n adj-no 1 1)inside 2)within 2 3)while 3 4)among 5)amongst 6)between adj-no 4 7)we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.) 8)our 5 9)my spouse n 6 arch 10)imperial palace grounds arch 11)(7) emperor adj-no ksb: 12)(8) I (primarily used by women and children) 13)me suf 1 14)through 15)throughout 16)in the course of 2 17)all over or throughout (e.g. a place) suf 1 18)medium 19)average 20)middle 2 21)moderation 3 abbr 22)middle school 4 abbr 23)China n-suf 5 24)in 25)out of (e.g. three out of ten people) 6 26)during (a certain time when one did or is doing something) 27)under (construction, etc.) 28)while P n 1 29)inside 30)in 2 31)among 3 32)center (centre) 4 33)during n abbr 34)red dragon tile (mahjong)
/ なみ : n n-suf 1 1)average 2)medium 3)common 4)ordinary 2 5)line 6)row of (e.g. houses) 3 7)mid-grade 4 8)same level 9)equal 10)each (e.g. month) 11)set of (e.g. teeth) P
中元 / ちゅうげん : n 1 1)15th day of the 7th lunar month 2)(last day of) Bon lantern festival 2 3)Bon gifts P
中入 / なかいり : io n vs 1 1)intermission during a performance (e.g. variety show, play, sumo, etc.) 2 2)temporary departure of an actor (between the first and second halves of a noh or...
中共 / ちゅうきょう : n 1 abbr 1)Chinese Communist Party 2)Chinese Communists 2 3)(sens) Communist China
中冬 / ちゅうとう : n obs 1)eleventh month of the lunar calendar
中分 / ちゅうぶん : n vs 1)half
中判 / ちゅうばん : n 1)medium size 2)cabinet size (in photography)

