>>POP辞書.com PC版
螳螂 / かまきり / とうろう : n uk 1)praying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis)
蝴蝶 / こちょう : n 1)butterfly
蟲惑 / こわく : iK n vs 1)fascination 2)glamour 3)glamor 4)enchantment 5)seduction
蟯虫 / ぎょうちゅう : 1)Enterobius 2)pinworm 3)oxyurid
蟠龍 / はんりょう : n 1)coiled dragon 2)dragon coiled on the earth, which has not yet ascended to the sky
蟠踞 / ばんきょ : n vs 1)settling in a coiled shape 2)holding sway 3)exercising authority
蟠竜 / はんりょう : n 1)coiled dragon 2)dragon coiled on the earth, which has not yet ascended to the sky
蟠桃 / ばんとう : n uk 1)donut peach (Amygdalus persica var. compressa) 2)UFO peach 3)flat peach 4)pan tao peach 5)Saturn peach 6)saucer peach

