>>POP辞書.com PC版
閼伽 / あか : n 1)(Buddh) water offering to Buddha (san: argha, arghya) 2)holy water
闇汁 / やみじる : n 1)stew prepared from ingredients contributed by members of a party, and eaten in t...
闇然 / あんぜん : adj-t 1 1)dark 2)gloomy 3)black 4)unclear 2 5)doleful 6)discouraged 7)disappointed 8)tearful 9)dispirited
闇献金 / やみけんきん : n 1)illegal donation 2)secret contribution
闇相場 / やみそうば : n 1)black-market price
闇社会 / やみしゃかい : n 1)underground world 2)underground society
闇穴 / あんけつ : n 1 1)dark hole 2 2)idiot 3)fool 3 abbr 4)historical road
闇打ち / やみうち : n vs 1)attacking under the cover of darkness 2)surprise attack

