>>POP辞書.com PC版
/ えび : n 1)prawn 2)shrimp 3)lobster 4)crayfish
/ あま : n 1 1)male diver 2 2)fisherman
/ : n 1)moth
蛾目 / がもく : n 1)Lepidoptera
/ しょく : n 1)Shu (one of the Three Kingdoms competing for control of China after the fall of ... 2)Shu Han
蜀江の錦 / しょっこうのにしき : n 1 1)type of red brocade originally from the ancient Chinese country of Shu and passe... 2 2)type of brocade made in Sichuan during the Ming period
蜀漢 / しょくかん / しょっかん : n 1)Shu-Han (dynasty of China, 221-263 CE)
蜀錦 / しょっきん : n 1)type of brocade

