>>POPŽ«‘.com PC”Å
艕à / ‚©‚Á‚Û : n vs 1 1jstriding 2jswaggering 3jstrutting 2 4jlording it over others 5jacting as though one owns the place 6jthrowing one's weight around
艒B / ‚©‚Á‚½‚ / ‚©‚‚¾‚ : adj-na n 1jopenhearted 2jfrank 3jbroad-minded ok adj-na n 4jopenhearted
àb‰º–ò / ‚µ‚á‚©‚â‚­ / ‚µ‚á‚°‚â‚­ : n 1jlaxative 2jcathartic 3jevacuant 4jpurgative
àbÜ / ‚µ‚á‚´‚¢ : n 1jcathartic 2jpurgative 3jlaxative
àb•  / ‚­‚¾‚è‚΂ç : n 1jdiarrhoea 2jdiarrhea 3jloose bowels
àb–ò / ‚µ‚á‚â‚­ : n 1jcathartic 2jpurgative 3jlaxative
àbŒŒ / ‚µ‚Ⴏ‚ : 1jexsanguination 2jbloodletting 3jphlebotomy (vs)
àg—º / ‚è‚イ‚è‚傤 : adj-t 1jclear and resounding (as a voice or musical instrument)

