>>POP辞書.com PC版
雕る / える / ほる : ok v5r vt 1)to carve 2)to engrave 3)to sculpt 4)to chisel v5r vt 1 5)to carve 2 6)to tattoo
雑喉 / いざご / ざこ / ざっこ / ざっこう : n 1 1)small fish 2)small fry 2 3)person of low social standing ok n 1 4)small fish
雛遊び / ひなあそび : n 1)playing with dolls displayed on the Girl's Festival
雛霰 / ひなあられ : n 1)sweetened rice-flour cakes for offering at the Dolls' Festival
雛鳥 / ひなどり : n 1)chick 2)baby bird
/ : n 1)li (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: fire, south)
離す / はなす : v5s vt 1)to separate 2)to part 3)to divide 4)to keep apart P
離る / さかる / はなる : vi arch 1)to go away 2)to become more distant 3)to fade away 4)to die away vi 1 arch 5)to be separated 6)to be apart 7)to be distant 2 arch 8)to leave 9)to go away 3 arch 10)to leave (a job, etc.) 11)to quit 12)to give up 4 arch 13)to lose connection with 14)to drift away from

