>>POP辞書.com PC版
髮を切る / かみをきる : oK exp v5r 1)to cut hair 2)to give a haircut
高麗雉 / こうらいきじ : n uk 1)common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) 2)ring-necked pheasant
鬢枇 / びんそぎ : n arch 1)cutting a person's sidelocks 2)evenly cut sidelocks (symbol of adulthood for noblewomen in the Heian era) 3)ritual of cutting the sidelocks (coming-of-age ceremony for women from about 156...
鬢長 / びんちょう / びんなが : n uk 1)albacore (Thunnus alalunga) 2)germon
鬢除ぎ / びんそぎ : n arch 1)cutting a person's sidelocks 2)evenly cut sidelocks (symbol of adulthood for noblewomen in the Heian era) 3)ritual of cutting the sidelocks (coming-of-age ceremony for women from about 156...
鬢髪 / びんぱつ : n 1)hair at the temples 2)hair at the sides of the head
/ たてがみ : n 1)mane (of a horse, lion, etc.)
鬣犬 / たてがみいぬ : n 1)hyena

