>>POP辞書.com PC版
邀える / むかえる : v1 vt 1 1)to go out to meet 2 2)to receive 3)to welcome 3 4)to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family) 4 5)to call for 6)to summon 7)to invite 5 8)to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)
邀え撃つ / むかえうつ : oK v5t vt 1)to ambush 2)to attack 3)to assault 4)to meet the enemy
邀撃 / ようげき : n vs 1)ambush 2)assault
還元薬 / かんげんやく : 1)reducing agent
還元酵素 / かんげんこうそ : 1)reductase 2)reducing enzyme
還元鉄 / かんげんてつ : n 1)reduced iron
還元雰囲気 / かんげんふんいき : 1)reducing atmosphere
還元電位 / かんげんでんい : 1)reduction potential

