>>POP.com PC
崂Ȃ / 킾܂Ȃ : adv 1jwith no ill feeling
/ ΂Ƃ : n uk 1jdonut peach (Amygdalus persica var. compressa) 2jUFO peach 3jflat peach 4jpan tao peach 5jSaturn peach 6jsaucer peach
/ ͂傤 : n 1jcoiled dragon 2jdragon coiled on the earth, which has not yet ascended to the sky
/ ΂񂫂 : n vs 1jsettling in a coiled shape 2jholding sway 3jexercising authority
/ ͂傤 : n 1jcoiled dragon 2jdragon coiled on the earth, which has not yet ascended to the sky
/ 킾܂ : v5r 1 uk 1jto lurk 2jto hover in the background 2 3jto be coiled up 4jto stretch tortuously
/ 킾܂ : n 1jcares 2jill feeling 3jreserve
/ ߂ : v5k vi 1jto wriggle 2jto squirm 3jto crawl like a worm

