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裁き / さばき : n 1)judgment 2)judgement 3)decision 4)verdict
捌き / さばき : n n-suf 1 1)handling (e.g. knife, reins, etc.) 2)... work (e.g. footwork) 2 3)disposal (esp. sale of goods)
/ さなき / すず / たく / ぬて / ぬりて : ok n 1)duo (ancient Chinese bell with a clapper and a long handle) n 2)duo (ancient Chinese bell with a clapper and a long handle) n 1 3)duo (ancient Chinese bell with a clapper and a long handle) 2 4)large wind bell
さば節 / さばぶし : n 1)dried, smoked mackerel 2)shavings from dried, smoked mackerel
さば雲 / さばぐも : n 1)cirrocumulus cloud
砂漠 / さばく : n 1)desert P
捌く / さばく : v5k vt 1 1)to handle well 2)to process 2 3)to sell 4)to dispose of 3 5)to prepare 6)to arrange 7)to sort 4 8)to prepare something for cooking 9)to dress (meat, etc.)
佐幕 / さばく : n 1)adherence to the shogunate
沙漠 / さばく : n 1)desert
裁く / さばく : v5k vt 1)to judge P

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