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角藻 / つのも : n uk 1)dinoflagellate of genus Ceratium
/ かく / かど / すみ / つの : n n-suf 1 1)angle 2 2)square (or cube) 3 3)bishop (shogi) 4 4)third degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale) 5 5)(astron) Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) 6 6)jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan) P n 1 7)corner (e.g. desk, pavement) 2 8)edge n n-suf 1 9)corner 10)nook 11)recess n 2 obsc 12)downstage right (on a noh stage) n 13)horn
募る / つのる : v5r vt 1 1)to invite contributions, etc. 2)to solicit help, participation, etc. 3)to recruit (e.g. soldiers) v5r vi 2 4)to grow violent 5)to become stronger 6)to become worse P
/ あたま / かしら / かぶ / かぶり / がしら / こうべ / / つぶり / つむ / つむり / とう / どたま : n 1 1)head 2 2)mind 3)brain 4)intellect 3 5)top 4 6)hair (on one's head) P 2 7)top 3 8)hair (on one's head) 4 9)top structural component of a kanji ok n 10)head n 11)head suf 1 12)(after a noun) top of .. 13)head of .. 2 14)(after the -masu stem of a verb) the moment that .. 2 15)bangs 16)fringe 17)(ctr) counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle) n uk 18)(derog) head 19)dome 20)bean 21)nob 22)noggin
角樽 / つのだる : n 1)two-handled keg
角出 / つのだし : n uk 1)moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus, species of Indo-Pacific perciform fish)
角蝉 / つのぜみ : n uk 1)treehopper (any insect of family Membracidae, esp. the species Orthobelus flavip...
角鮫 / つのざめ : n uk 1)dogfish (any shark of family Squalidae)

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