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鈍る / なまる / にぶる : v5r vi 1)to become less capable 2)to grow dull 3)to become blunt 4)to weaken P
鈍い / おそい / にぶい / のろい : 1 1)(adj-i) slow 2 2)late (e.g. "late at night") 3 3)too late 4 arch 4)dull 5)stupid 1 6)(adj-i) dull (e.g. a knife) 7)blunt 2 8)thickheaded 9)obtuse 3 10)dull (sound) 11)dim (light) 4 12)slow 13)sluggish 14)inert 15)lethargic P 1 16)(adj-i) thickheaded 2 17)slow 3 18)indulgent (esp. to the opposite sex) 19)doting
二分 / にふん / にぶん : n 1)two minutes n vs adj-no 1 2)halving 3)bisection 2 4)the two equinoxes (vernal and autumnal) P
二部 / にぶ : n 1)two parts 2)two copies 3)the second part P
になる : suf 1 1)becomes 2)will become 3)turns out 2 4)(with "o" and masu-stem of verb) grammatical form creating an honorific verbal e... P
荷船 / にぶね : n 1)freighter 2)lighter
煮花 / にばな : n obsc 1)freshly brewed, aromatic tea
煮ばな / にばな : n obsc 1)freshly brewed, aromatic tea
煮端 / にばな : n obsc 1)freshly brewed, aromatic tea

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