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切替え / きりかえ : n 1)exchange 2)conversion 3)replacement 4)switching (to) 5)switchover
切替 / きりかえ : io n 1)exchange 2)conversion 3)replacement 4)switching (to) 5)switchover
切替える / きりかえる : v1 vt 1)to change 2)to exchange 3)to convert 4)to renew 5)to throw a switch 6)to replace 7)to switch over
切換え / きりかえ : n 1)exchange 2)conversion 3)replacement 4)switching (to) 5)switchover
切片上 / せっぺんじょう : 1)in situ
切片 / せっぺん : n 1 1)segment 2)slice 3)section 4)fragment 2 5)(math) intercept (point where a graph crosses one of the Cartesian coordinate ax...
切無し / きりなし : 1)(adj-f) always 2)continuously
切点 / せってん : n 1 1)(math) tangent point 2)point of contact 2 3)contact (electrical, etc.) 3 4)point of agreement 5)common ground 6)interaction

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