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寄せ木細工 / よせぎざいく : n 1)wooden mosaic work 2)parquetry 3)wooden mosaic (e.g. on a piece of furniture) 4)marquetry 5)marqueterie
寄木細工 / よせぎざいく : n 1)wooden mosaic work 2)parquetry 3)wooden mosaic (e.g. on a piece of furniture) 4)marquetry 5)marqueterie
寄せ木造り / よせぎづくり : n 1)joined block construction of a statue
寄せ木 / よせぎ : n 1)wooden mosaic 2)parquetry
寄せ集める / よせあつめる : v1 vt 1)to put together 2)to gather 3)to collect 4)to scrape together
寄せ集め / よせあつめ : n 1)mish-mash 2)miscellany 3)medley 4)odds and ends 5)gathering P
寄せ鍋 / よせなべ : n 1)pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the t... 2)seafood and vegetable stew or chowder
寄せ箸 / よせばし : n 1)drawing a dish towards oneself using one's chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)

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