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慈母 / じぼ : n 1)affectionate mother
慈悲 / じひ : n adj-no 1 1)compassion (e.g. of Buddha) 2)benevolence 3)charity 4)mercy n 2 abbr 5)Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus fugax) 6)Horsfield's hawk cuckoo P
慈父 / じふ : n 1)affectionate father
慈恵 / じけい : n 1)mercy and love
慈心 / じしん : n 1)benevolence 2)mercy
慈尊 / じそん : n hon obsc 1)Maitreya
慈姑 / くわい : n uk 1)Sagittaria trifolia var. edulis (edible variant of threeleaf arrowhead)
慈眼 / じがん / じげん : n 1)(Buddh) merciful eye (of a Buddha or a bodhisattva watching humanity)

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